Frequently Asked Questions About Share Certificates
For existing members, please click the link here. If you’re not a member yet, please join and apply now using the link here or call us at 202.808.3600.
$500.00 is the minimum required amount to open a Share Certificate.
- 6 months
- 12 months
- 24 months
- 36 months
- 48 months
- 60 months
- If you are a Bronze Member, you will receive an additional .05 basis points in addition to any of our current rates.
- If you are a Silver Member, you will receive an additional .10 basis points in addition to any of our current rates.
- If you are a Gold Member, you will receive an additional .25 basis points in addition to any of our current rates.
- You can close your Share Certificate at any time; however, you will be subject to the following penalties if you are outside of the 10 days of opening of the CD or renewal/maturity date:
i. 6-11 months: The penalty is the first 90 days of dividends.
ii. 12-84 months: The penalty is the first 180 days of dividends.
Frequently Asked Questions About Savings Accounts
Click here to apply now.
Yes, the initial funding amount is $5.00, and it remains on hold until the overall account is closed.
The basic coverage available to members of a federally insured credit union is as noted below:
Types of Accounts Insured by the Share Insurance Fund
Share insurance covers many types of share deposits received at a federally insured credit union, including deposits in a share draft account, share savings account, or time deposit such as a share certificate. Share insurance covers members’ accounts at each federally insured credit union, dollar-for-dollar, including principal and any accrued dividend through the date of the insured credit union’s closing, up to the insurance limit. This coverage also applies to nonmember deposits when permitted by law.
- Single Ownership Accounts (owned by one person with no beneficiaries): $250,000 per member-owner
- Joint Ownership Accounts (two or more persons with no beneficiaries): $250,000 per owner (with the primary owner a member of the credit union)
- IRAs and Other Certain Retirement Accounts: $250,000 per member-owner
- Revocable Trust Accounts: Each member-owner is insured up to $250,000 for each eligible beneficiary named or identified in the revocable trust, subject to limitations and requirements
- Irrevocable Trust Accounts: Each owner (so long as all owners or all beneficiaries are members of the credit union) is insured up to $250,000 for each beneficiary named or identified in the irrevocable trust, subject to specific limitations and requirements. Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, formerly education IRAs, are insured as irrevocable trust accounts.
Note: A qualifying eligible beneficiary must be a natural person, or a charitable organization or non-profit entity under the Internal Revenue Code
These share insurance coverage limits refer to the total of all shares that account owners have at each federally insured credit union. This listing shows only the most common ownership types that apply to individual and family shares and assumes that all NCUA and share insurance coverage requirements are met.
Additional information can be found at the NCUA’s Share Insurance Estimator(Opens new window) and in these FAQs(Opens new window). Members with questions about share insurance coverage, can call 1.800.755.1030, and selection option 1, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern, or send an email to
Yes, according to Federal Regulation D, you can withdraw from your Savings Account 6 times per month.
Yes, your Savings Account is automatically linked to your Checking Account to cover any overdrafts up to 6 times per month.
Frequently Asked Questions About Checking
The process is simple – you can convert and keep all your existing checking account products! All you have to do is give us a call at 202.808.3600 or 888.626.9845. You can also fill out a Contact Us form and we will contact you during our business hours.
- High-dividend on balances up to $20,000
- Free Online and Mobile Banking
- Free Online and Mobile Bill Pay
- Free Finance Works Financial Management Tool
- Free online Debit Rewards
- Make 12 debit card purchases. Transactions must post before the end of the month.
- Receive your monthly account statement electronically.
- Set up a direct deposit.
- Login to mobile/online banking at least once during the month.
The qualifications must be met each month.
Your checking account is still free but you will not be paid dividends. You will be able to start over the next month to earn benefits.
Frequently Asked Questions About Home Equity
$350,000.00, anything more will need to be reviewed by DOCFCU Credit Committee.
Unfortunately, DOCFCU does not offer a fixed rate Home Equity Line of Credit.
Yes, both applicants need to be a Credit Union member. They can be joint on the primary applicants account or have/open own Credit Union account.
The process can take 4-6 weeks start to finish. It really will depend on how fast the member submits the required documents to get the process started.
No. The loan has to be placed on an owner occupied primary residence.
Frequently Asked Questions About Consumer Loans
To apply for a loan please visit our website at or call 202.808.3600
Your member number can be found on your Welcome Letter that was sent to your email via DocuSign when your account was established. Alternatively, if you do not have access to your Welcome Letter please contact us at or call 202.808.3600
To take advantage of DOCFCUs competitive products and services, you will need to establish a DOCFCU Savings Account as a part of becoming a member of the credit union. The savings account has no minimum balance no monthly maintenance fee.
Using Internal Account: To make a one-time payment, or to set up recurring payments online using an internal account, visit, login to your account, click “Move Money,” then “Schedule a Transfer” to begin the process.
Using External Account: To make a one-time payment, or to set up recurring payments online using an external account, visit, login to your account, click “Move Money,” then “Loan Payment” to begin the process.
By Mail: When making a payment by mail, you will need to refer to your Loan Number. Please send your loan payments to:
Department of Commerce FCU
Attn: Member Services
P.O. Box 14720
Washington, DC 20044-4720
Overnight Address
Department of Commerce FCU
Attn: Member Services
HC Hoover Bldg. Room B0038A
1401 Constitution Ave NW
Washington, DC 20230
Your Check or Money Order is your receipt
To verify that you are set up on autopay please contact us at or call 202.808.3600
After your loan signing you can expect your loan to be funded within 2-5 business days.
DOCFCU Account Funding: Same Business Day
External Account Funding: 2-5 Business Days
By Check Funding: 2-5 Business Days
Frequently Asked Questions About Online Services
To enroll in Online Banking, you’ll need your Member Number and Last 4 of your SSN. Click here to enroll
With the DOCFCU Mobile app, you can do all the same things as Online Banking – but from the convenience of your smartphone or smart device! The DOCFCU Mobile app is available for Apple and Android devices from your app store:
If you would like to request removal of your app accounts and related data, simply send an email request to
Please type “Remove App Account” in the subject line of your email and provide us with a good phone number to reach you at. One of our representatives will be in touch with you to confirm the request is valid and initiate the process.
Upon execution of this request, Department of Commerce FCU will delete all associated data held in our digital and internet banking system. This data will no longer be accessible or available to any party. Your accounts will remain active, and your accounts transaction history will remain in our main system history as long as your accounts are open, but all Internet and Mobile Banking data will be deleted.
If you should have any questions, please give us a call at any of our locations and we will be happy to assist you.
Your member number can be found on your Welcome Letter that was sent to your email via DocuSign when your account was established. Alternatively, if you do not have access to your Welcome Letter please contact us at or call 202.808.3600
To take advantage of DOCFCUs competitive products and services, you will need to establish a DOCFCU Savings Account as a part of becoming a member of the credit union. The savings account has no minimum balance no monthly maintenance fee.
Using Internal Account: To make a one-time payment, or to set up recurring payments online using an internal account, visit, login to your account, click “Move Money,” then “Schedule a Transfer” to begin the process.
Using External Account: To make a one-time payment, or to set up recurring payments online using an external account, visit, login to your account, click “Move Money,” then “Loan Payment” to begin the process.
By Mail: When making a payment by mail, you will need to refer to your Loan Number. Please send your loan payments to:
Department of Commerce FCU
Attn: Member Services
P.O. Box 14720
Washington, DC 20044-4720
Overnight Address
Department of Commerce FCU
Attn: Member Services
HC Hoover Bldg. Room B0038A
1401 Constitution Ave NW
Washington, DC 20230
Your Check or Money Order is your receipt
To verify that you are set up on autopay please contact us at or call 202.808.3600
After your loan signing you can expect your loan to be funded within 2-5 business days.
DOCFCU Account Funding: Same Business Day
External Account Funding: 2-5 Business Days
By Check Funding: 2-5 Business Days